1 minute read

AVL trees

AVL Trees are sub classification of BSTs.

AVL Properties and Efficiency

  • Height(node) = max{Height(left), Height(right)} + 1

    • Base cases: Height(leaf) = 0, Height(null) = -1
  • BalanceFactor(node) = Height(left) - Height(right)

  • AVLs store heights and balance factors to make calculations O(1) as opposed to O(n)

Definition of Unbalanced

  • Node is unbalanced if |BF| > 1
  • Node is balanced if BF = -1, 0, 1


Rotations are operations performed in AVL trees to maintain and restore balance.

In AVL trees, there are two fundamental types of rotations.

  • Single rotation
    • Left rotation


    • Internet source: AVL Tree Insertion, Rotation, and Balance Factor Explained. Retrieved from https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/avl-tree-insertion-rotation-and-balance-factor/ (Accessed on May 24, 2023).

      Pseudocode leftRotation(Node A)
      1. Node B <- A's right child
      2. A's right child <- B's left child
      3. B's left child <- A
      4. Update the height & BF of A
      5. Update the height & BF of B
      6. Return B
    • Right rotation


    • Internet source: AVL Tree Insertion, Rotation, and Balance Factor Explained. Retrieved from https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/avl-tree-insertion-rotation-and-balance-factor/ (Accessed on May 24, 2023).

      Pseudocode rightRotation(Node C)
      1. Node B <- C's left child
      2. C's left child <- B's right child
      3. B's right child <- C
      4. Update the height & BF of C
      5. Update the height & BF of B
      6. Return B
  • Double rotation


  • Internet source: AVLs. AVL Rotations. Retrieved from Edx Data Structures & Algorithm (Accessed on May 25, 2023).

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