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SQL Schema

Create table If Not Exists Weather (id int, recordDate date, temperature int)
Truncate table Weather
insert into Weather (id, recordDate, temperature) values ('1', '2015-01-01', '10')
insert into Weather (id, recordDate, temperature) values ('2', '2015-01-02', '25')
insert into Weather (id, recordDate, temperature) values ('3', '2015-01-03', '20')
insert into Weather (id, recordDate, temperature) values ('4', '2015-01-04', '30')

Table: Weather

| Column Name   | Type    |
| id            | int     |
| recordDate    | date    |
| temperature   | int     |
In SQL, id is the primary key for this table.
This table contains information about the temperature on a certain day.


Find all dates’ Id with higher temperatures compared to its previous dates (yesterday).

Return the result table in any order.

The result format is in the following example.

<Example 1>

Weather table:
| id | recordDate | temperature |
| 1  | 2015-01-01 | 10          |
| 2  | 2015-01-02 | 25          |
| 3  | 2015-01-03 | 20          |
| 4  | 2015-01-04 | 30          |
| id |
| 2  |
| 4  |
In 2015-01-02, the temperature was higher than the previous day (10 -> 25).
In 2015-01-04, the temperature was higher than the previous day (20 -> 30).


select td.id
from Weather td
join Weather yd
on td.recordDate = DATE_ADD(yd.recordDate, interval 1 day)
where td.temperature > yd.temperature

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