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Logging And Monitoring


  • Logging and Monitoring are solutions for detecting issues and tracking the status of systems, respectively.


  • Logging is a process to collect and store information about events.
  • All logs are aggregated to some databases - central logging solution(e.g., AlgoExpert uses Stackdriver for a logging solution), providing useful detailed information about the activity of a system or application, errors, transactions, which is essential for analyzing and debugging.


  • Monitoring is a tool for visualizing a system’s key metric.
  • Key metrics depend on the system. For instance, one important key metric for AlgoExpert is Code Execution per Hour.


  • The process through which system administrators get notified when critical system issues occur.
  • Alerting can be set up by defining specific thresholds on monitoring charts, past which alerts are sent to a communication channel like Slack.

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